Monday, March 07, 2005

Why do journalists keep bad sources confidential?

I understand why journalists keep sources confidential. I haven't figured a general rule to judge the "ethics" of journalism regarding criminals, but when there's no criminality involved, it's pretty clear that confidentiality of sources benefits our society greatly.

EXCEPT when the journalists keep confidentiality even when the source LIES to them!

Who benefits then? Not the public. Not even the journalist, really - the source knows he's got a patsy, and the public, if they're paying attention, should know that as well.

So why are there stories like these?

Sunday, March 06, 2005

A Sign of the Apocalypse?

Atrios, Daily Kos, Little Green Footballs, Powerline agree?

See how this administration is promoting unity?

But I have a question - if the FEC is looking into regulating blogs as "in-kind" contributions. why aren't they also looking into LImbaugh's 20 hour a week contribution to Bush (just to name an obvious radio example)?

Real Impeachable Offenses

There are those who claim that the Social Security trust fund will be empty in the middle of the next decade. Since the trust fund holdings are US Treasury bonds, those people are saying that the US will not honor the obligation to make good on those bonds.

If those people are sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution, they should re-read Amendment 14 of that document:

"Amendment 14, Section. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. "

Friday, March 04, 2005

Congressman Jim Gibbons (R-Nev), Un-American!

Dear Congressman Gibbons,

You are reported to have said:

"I say we tell those liberal, tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippie, tie-dyed liberals to go make their movies and their music and whine somewhere else".

This statement is deeply un-American. In this country, we have the right to wear our Birkenstocks and tie-dye and make whatever kind of music and movies we like. I'm surprised I have to tell you that - you being a congressman and all.

Where exactly do you want me to go? And just how do you propose to accomplish that? I'm an American; I'm not going anywhere and I propose you just get used to it.

Perhaps YOU can go somewhere else where you can dictate exactly who can and who can't have freedom in your country. Take your un-American thoughts somewhere else. Somewhere like North Korea.

And I don't even care that you stole this speech from someone else. We Americans are used to conservatives not being able to think for themselves.

A sincere, liberal American,

Stephen Z. Stein

Friday cats, look out!

In a shameless attempt to garner attention via trackbacks to much more popular blogs, here is Maya the Wonder Dog's response to Friday Night Cat Bloggers:

You have been warned!

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